<Long time, No hear>

 Never for a long time have I heard the Japanese popular song "LOVE LOVE LOVE" which was released by DREAMS COME TRUE in 1995. These few days I heard it many times because it has been used as BGM in SUBARU TV-commercials since September 21, 2016. The song has so attractive and catchy introduction part that I can quickly recognize it is "LOVE LOVE LOVE".

 According to official homepage of Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd.(SUBARU), they chose "LOVE LOVE LOVE" which has been loved by many peple beyond generations as their TV-commercial BGM.

 I hope SUBARU cars will continue to be loved by many peple beyond generations like the song.





 DREAMS COME TRUEの「LOVE LOVE LOVE」という曲を久しぶりに聞きました。9/21からスバルがCMのBGMで使っているので、ここ2-3日よく耳にします。「LOVE LOVE LOVE」はとても魅力的でキャッチーなイントロなので、曲が流れればすぐにそれとわかります。

 スバルのHPによると、楽曲には、時代や世代を超えて多くの人から愛され続ける名曲である、DREAMS COME TRUEの「LOVE LOVE LOVE」を採用しました、とあります。
